Saturday, December 9, 2017

**BLOG TOUR** Review: The Wife Between Us (by Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen)

My Rating: 4 stars

Don’t expect this review to be very long, as there really isn’t a whole lot I can say about this book without spoiling the story!  The Wife Between Us is one of those books that you really need to experience for yourself, but you need to go into it knowing as little as possible. 

Whenever I read a thriller / suspense novel, I usually expect the opening scene to be explosive, a scene that grabs me from the start and hurls me into the depths of the story, not letting go until the very end.  While the Prologue did start out with a relatively “explosive” scene, the opening chapters did not maintain the momentum I expected.  The first half or so of the book was actually quite slow-going, with a lot of time devoted to establishing the main characters and setting up their background story.  It made me worry that perhaps this would be another run-of-the-mill thriller, similar to so many other books from the same genre that had emerged in recent years.  It turns out I had nothing to worry about, as this book absolutely ended up delivering in the psychological thriller department with a roller coaster ride of twists and turns starting at the halfway mark all the way up through the Epilogue.  At that point, I was definitely hanging on for the ride as this roller coaster slammed into one twist after another, with most of the revelations taking me completely by surprise (there were a few I did figure out, but that’s insignificant compared to everything I didn’t figure out).   

This book was written by two different authors, but you would never know from reading it, as the narrative flowed seamlessly and the writing was consistent throughout.  With thrillers, attention to detail is so important, especially after a major plot twist, as there is oftentimes the urge to go back and re-read certain passages to see if the “clues” make sense – with this book, the writing was very meticulous and even though some parts felt slow and a bit draggy at times, the story was still compelling enough to keep reading and guessing along the way.  The authors did a good job taking what could’ve been the “same old, same old” in terms of subject matter and turn it into a unique, cleverly written story with complicated yet interesting characters.  Though I can’t say that I was “wowed” by this book as I have been with other thrillers, it was still a thoroughly enjoyable read, one that I was able to breeze through pretty quickly after the first major plot twist was revealed.  Definitely recommended!

Received ARC from St. Martin’s Press via NetGalley

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